# Visual Settings
# Object Display
This setting determines how objects are displayed when not in the input data table.
- Ghosted (default): Other elements are shown as transparent grey (or any other color you define) material, enhancing the ghost effect. 👻
- Hidden: Other elements are hidden. Only active elements are shown in the visual.
# Camera
These settings control the initial camera view, projection type, camera movement, and zoom behavior in the 3D Viewer Visual.
- Default View: Controls the default view when the visual is active. The default value is Perspective. It can be set to Perspective, Top, Left, Right, Front, or Back.
- Projection: Controls the projection of the camera in the visual. It can be set to "Perspective" or "Orthographic.” The default value is Perspective.
- Allow under model: Controls whether the camera movement is allowed beneath the model or scene in the 3D Viewer Visual. The default value is False.
- Zoom extent on change: Determines whether the camera automatically adjusts its zoom level to fit the entire scene whenever a change occurs in the data or visualization. If unchecked, the camera stays where it was previously. The default value is True.
# Lighting
These lighting settings provide you with fine-grained control over the illumination and shading of your 3D Viewer Visual.
- Intensity: Controls the overall brightness or intensity of the lighting in the 3D Viewer Visual. Increasing the intensity can make the scene appear brighter, while decreasing it can create a more subdued or darker lighting effect.
- Elevation: Determines the vertical angle at which the light source illuminates the 3D scene.
- Azimuth: Defines the horizontal angle at which the light source illuminates the 3D scene.
- Indirect: Controls the amount of indirect lighting or ambient illumination in the 3D Viewer Visual.
- Cast Shadows: Enables or disables the rendering of shadows cast by objects in the 3D scene.
- Catch Shadows: The Catch-Shadows setting determines whether objects in the 3D Viewer Visual can receive shadows cast by other objects.